Thursday, August 18, 2011

After Action Review of Trip

I've now been home for almost 48 hours and my body is starting to accept that I'm no longer on European time (even though my mind wishes it was still). Yesterday I woke up at 4am, today it was 5:45.

I was really thankful that I took yesterday off from work to readjust because I was definitely feeling the effects of time dilation. For some reason I handle west to east movement much better than east to west, which is opposite of most others. That means when I get to Europe I'm usually fine, even with only an hour or two of sleep. Yet, when I come home I'm in a stupor for days.

Now that the fog has lifted I've begun to write the TripAdvisor reviews for the hotels, restaurants, and activities in each of the cities. These resources were important for my own research, so it is just as important to provide my own feedback in a timely manner. I've also begun planning my next two trips to combat post-trip depression (familiar to other obsessive trip planners out there, the only known cure is start planning another, bigger, better, more exciting trip).

The first I've started working on is a potential trip for Christmas. We are looking at returning to Europe or going to Quebec or California. The second is a Bat Mitzvah gift trip for our daughter, a year from this Thanksgiving. We are hoping to be able to take her out of school a week early and spend 14(+) days in Europe. Check back over the next couple days, I will be spell checking my trip posts, adding captions to pictures, and reordering pictures in an accurate timeframe.

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